Color silkscreen, hand-signed by the artist (mm. 500x700).
Perfect copy printed on Fabriano paper in a total of 100 copies by Sericraft of Turin. Perfect preservation.
Siamo Marea (Omaggio a Hokusai) was born from the collaboration between the artist GEC and the national collective of Friday for future Italia. GEC listened to the requests of the kids, so, each element represented in the sea is a symbol of this present strongly anchored to the past:
- barrel of oil: energy production from fossil fuel
- tire and muffler: unsustainable mobility and transport
- cut tree trunk: deforestation and land use
- bathtub: waste of drinking water
- plastic bottles: production of mass-consumption industrial goods
- television: responsibility of the media
- armchair: failure of politics
The movement is identified with the propulsive force of the wave, in order to generate a change that is now obligatory.
Fridays for future is a spontaneous and peaceful international movement, which recognizes Greta Thunberg as its leading figure, but is formally leaderless. Fridays for future aims, first of all, to keep attention high on the issue of climate change, in order to transform it into a priority for the international political agenda. Specifically, it asks governments to eliminate fossil fuels, zeroing emissions globally by 2050 (in Italy by 2030). Objective: to contain the increase in global temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era.
Part of the proceeds will be used to support the movement, legal expenses and the maintenance of the Turin headquarters.