Ura fuji
Series : One Hundred Views of Fuji, Fugaku Hyakkei.
Technique: nishikie, woodcuts in two shades of gray and one of pink.
Format: hanshinbon koban diptych (about 183x253 mm).
Signatures : Zen Hokusai Iitsu aratame Gakyorojin Manji.
Artist's seal : Fuji no Yama.
Dates : 1834-1836.
Engravers: Egawa Tomekichi and Tsentaro.
Publishers: Nishimura Yuzo, Eirakuya Toshiro.
Beautiful proof with good contrasts, in a fourth edition published by Tohikedo in 1852 with the characteristic pink tone. Printed on Japan paper, in excellent condition, with clean edges all around beyond the marginal line.
Calza GC Hokusai, the old fool for painting , Milan 1999-2000, London, 2003.
Calza GC Hokusai, the hundred views of Fuji , Milan, 1982.
Dickins FV Fugaku hiyaku-kei: one hundred view of Fuji by Hokusai , London, 1880.
Forrer M. Hokusai, prints and drawings , London, 1991.
Hillier J. The art of Hokusai in book illustration , London, 1980.
Lane R. Hokusai, life and works , Milan, 1991.
Salamon Villa T., The hundred views of Fuji, Turin, 1975.
Smith II H. Hokusai: one hundred view of Fuji by Hokusai, London, 1988.
In the province of Kai, tobacco leaves placed to dry. Even just a small crop of tobacco represented, for the nineteenth-century Japanese farmer, a real fortune.
Tobacco was introduced into Japan around 1573 by Dutch or Portuguese sailors, and in 1604 it began to be cultivated in the Nagasaki countryside. Soon banned (as its use, requiring the use of fire for ignition and smoke, became a source of very dangerous fire outbreaks in a country where the houses were built with paper and wood) it was smuggled as "tea della life".
In the saddle cloth hung out to dry, the auspicious writing, shiawase-kichi happiness and luck.